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to the DeGEval - Evaluation Society

DeGEval - Evaluation Society (Gesellschaft fΓΌr Evaluation e. V.) is a non-profit association that is committed to the professionalization of evaluation, the bringing together of different perspectives and the promotion of information and exchange on evaluation. By becoming a member, you as an institution or individual will continue to support the professionalization of evaluation in the future and make a contribution towards our association's goals.

If you would like to support our work without membership or in addition to your membership, you can do so by making a donation to the association.

Our bank details are

DeGEval e. V.
Bank: Postbank Dortmund
Account: 833 809 465
BLZ: 440 100 46
IBAN: DE48 4401 0046 0833 8094 65
Purpose: ###
DeGEval e. V. is exempt from corporation tax as a non-profit organization
(tax number 26/674/11212).